Sunday, January 9, 2011

Nominate Friends of Education

The Confidence in Kansas Public Education Task Force is accepting nominations for its Friends of Education Awards through January 31, 2011. Find all you need to make a nomination at If you'd like a proofreader, email us; there are several English teachers on our executive board and among our building reps!

One Award of Excellence and up to four Merit Awards are presented in each of the five categories.
  • School Volunteer: An individual or couple who provides volunteer services in a public school.
  • Community Leader: An individual who has made a significant contribution to public education while serving in a leadership capacity.
  • Partner Activity: A business, company or agency that has provided an on-going partner activity over an extended period of time (three-year minimum), by means of volunteer time, services, finances or other types of support, in an amount that exceeds typical collaboration from a private or public institution.
  • Private or Public Institution: A profit or nonprofit company, business or agency that has made a significant contribution to public education.
  • Community/Civic Organization: A club, organization, committee or task force that has made a significant contribution to public education.
The Confidence Task Force is a not-for-profit corporation whose primary purpose is to strengthen confidence in Kansas public education and to increase awareness of the positive aspects of public education in this state.