Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Certain members eligible for Extended Educator Employment Liability

Any members who are occupational therapists, physical therapists, or athletic trainers are eligible for Extended Educator Employment Liability (EEL) Coverage at no extra cost through KNEA.  Email lneanews@gmail.com for an application form to take advantage of that coverage.

This policy is intended for professionals whose activities as an OT/PT involve teaching and supervising those activities; professionals who are rendering physical therapy or occupational therapy are covered by the Basic EEL policy. Also covered by the Basic EEL policy are all members administering medication when advance written authorization from guardian is provided, all members administering emergency first aid when a nurse is unavailable, nurses rendering first aid, psychologists rendering psychological therapy, etc. Most of us have no need of this extended coverage, but if you do teach or supervise PT or OT activities, please let us know.