Monday, April 7, 2014

What you can do

1.  Contact the Governor.
KNEA’s legal department will review the language of the bill that passed late Sunday night, as soon as it is fully available.  As soon as they have specific details we will update our members.  In the meantime, we ask our members, their friends, family, and colleagues to contact Governor Brownback’s office using the links that below and tell him “we (I) expect you to veto this bill that seeks to silence teachers from advocating for their students.”  (Some other key points from the KNEA press conference today are listed below.)
Governor’s Phone: 877-579-6757
What have you done for a student or school, that you might have been reluctant to do without due process rights?
Tell us how you have used due process to advocate for a child, your class, your school, etc. Some common examples are given. You may not have realized how due process could have played a role if it were needed.
KNEA held a press conference this afternoon, here are some of the key points:
·       KNEA supports a clean finance bill without policy amendments and call upon the Governor to veto HB 2506.
·       Statutory due process for probationary teachers cannot be achieved in the future under this bill.
·       This bill has no statutory impact on bargaining as reported by some misguided legislators.
·       Under due process, bad teachers can be fired.  With no due process, good teachers can be fired.
·       The loss of due process only increases the need for legal support for our members.
·       When asked if this will hurt membership – we replied that now people have a greater, not lesser need for support and protection
KNEA Press Release this afternoon for today’s press conference
3.  Plan ahead for ELECTIONS!  Click  to donate to KPAC using PayPal so that we can support public education friendly candidates in November. If you prefer a KPAC form be emailed or mailed to you, please request it from
4. Contact YOUR representatives to say “Thank you” for supporting us or to tell them they have lost your vote for the House elections in November, whichever is appropriate.   To look up your representatives in the House and Senate, click here:
5. Invite your colleagues to join us.  The first request for a KNEA membership application came at 7:09 this morning and requests have continued through the day.  Talk to people about joining us.  There are two enrollment forms available:
·       The “Early Enrollment” is for anyone who has never been a member before. There are no dues involved until September 2014, but there is also no legal coverage or liability until that time.
·       The “regular” Enrollment Form is also available for teachers who have been members before.  Please let people know that dues are prorated. (Dues for April to August are $240.42.)
Email to request an enrollment form.
(From KNEA; Sent to members April 7)

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