Monday, September 1, 2014

Now teachers are trolls?  Let the governor know that this kind of bullying is unacceptable.

But even more important than contacting the governor's office:  Talk to your friends and relatives about this issue and about public education funding!  If all they know about the situation is what they hear in Brownback's ads, then they know nothing, because those ads are so full of lies and misinformation.

Here are some facts:

1) Statewide, the number of K-12 teachers has gone down by 265 since 2010.
2) In the schools of USD 453, the number of teachers has decreased by more than 5% since 2012-13.
3) In his first budget, Brownback made the largest ever one-time cuts to public education in the state's history ($232 per pupil over 2 years) and declared them to be "a victory for Kansas."
4) The only reason the Kansas legislature addressed the issue of schools that are underfunded in the last legislative cycle is that the State Supreme Court ordered them to do so.  They addressed only the issue of schools that are underfunded because their local property taxes can't make up the difference, and they did so by cutting weighted funding for at-risk children.
5) Our Kansas public schools are now being funded at lower-than-recession-era levels! According to one study, when inflation is taken into account, Kansas appropriated $950 less per pupil in 2013 than in 2008.  

Please start a conversation to counteract the misinformation people are seeing on television!

More information and links to newspaper articles about the misleading information can be found at Fact Check.

P.S. While some ads, like Leadership, Not Experiments, Republicans Endorse Davis for Governor and Brownback's Failed Experiment, are airing in Wichita and Topeka markets, we're not seeing them here, which is another reason to use word of mouth!  Talk it up!

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